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All About the LHDN MyInvois Platform: Streamline Invoicing & Simplify Compliance

Updated on: Feb 13th, 2024


8 min read

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Imagine you're running a business, big or small, in Malaysia. Amidst managing your operations, there's one aspect that often becomes a cumbersome task, and that is invoicing.

Traditional invoicing methods can be time-consuming and prone to errors, not to mention the compliance aspect with the ever-evolving tax regulations. Enter the LHDN MyInvois Portal, a beacon of light for businesses struggling to keep up with these demands. As we dive into this blog, let’s unravel the MyInvois Portal, exploring how it can transform your invoicing process, ensuring compliance and efficiency in one fell swoop.

What is the LHDN MyInvois Platform?

The LHDN MyInvois platform is a digital initiative by Malaysia's Inland Revenue Board (IRBM) designed to streamline and automate the invoicing process for taxpayers. It's a user-friendly web application that allows businesses, especially micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), to manage the e-invoicing process manually through an intuitive online interface. This platform provides functionalities for generating, submitting, viewing, rejecting, or cancelling e-Invoices in accordance with IRBM's rules and requirements.

Benefits of using the LHDN MyInvois Platform

Benefits of using the LHDN MyInvois Platform reveals a range of advantages that are particularly significant for businesses in Malaysia:

  • Streamlined invoice management: The platform provides a simplified and intuitive interface, making it easier for businesses, especially MSMEs, to manage the e-Invoicing process. This streamlined approach reduces the complexity and time involved in handling invoices, which can be particularly beneficial for businesses with limited resources.
  • Error reduction: By automating the data entry process, the platform significantly minimizes the chances of manual errors that are common in traditional invoicing methods. This automation ensures greater accuracy in financial and tax reporting, which is crucial for compliance and financial management.
  • Efficient tax reporting: The platform's integration capabilities allow for seamless tax reporting. Businesses can easily submit their tax documents through the system, ensuring that their financial reporting is both, efficient and accurate. This integration is particularly beneficial for aligning with the tax authorities' requirements and simplifying the tax submission process.
  • Operational efficiency and cost savings: For larger companies, the platform's automated processes and data integration capabilities can significantly enhance operational efficiency. This efficiency translates into time and cost savings, allowing businesses to allocate resources more effectively. The streamlined processes also mean quicker turnaround times for financial operations.
  • Enhanced compliance and transparency: The MyInvois platform helps in ensuring compliance with tax regulations by providing a structured and transparent invoicing process. This transparency is crucial for both, internal audits and regulatory compliance, helping businesses avoid legal and financial penalties associated with non-compliance.

Key Steps for E-invoicing on the MyInvois Portal

This section will provide a detailed overview of the process involved in managing e-invoicing through the MyInvois Portal:

  1. Acquisition of Digital Certificate: Commence by procuring a digital certificate from the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (IRBM), utilizing your Tax Identification Number (TIN). This certificate is indispensable, serving as a digital authentication for your electronic invoices within the MyInvois system.
  2. Retrieval or verification of TIN: Ascertain the accuracy of your TIN through the MyTax Portal or via e-Daftar. This identifier is crucial for the validation of your transactions within the MyInvois platform.
  3. Invoice creation: Utilize the MyInvois Portal to craft your electronic invoices. This process allows for the generation of individual invoices or the collective upload of multiple documents, ensuring efficiency and precision in the invoicing process.
  4. Invoice submission: Following creation, submit your invoice to the IRBM through the MyInvois Portal. This step is critical, as it initiates the official review and validation procedure.
  5. Invoice validation: Upon submission, the IRBM will undertake a comprehensive validation of your electronic invoice on the MyInvois platform. This step ensures that all submissions adhere to the prescribed standards and regulations.
  6. Notification of validation: Subsequent to validation, a notification is disseminated to both, the supplier and the purchaser via the portal and electronic mail, confirming the successful validation of the invoice.
  7. Invoice sharing: Post-validation, the supplier is tasked with sharing the authenticated electronic invoice, which now includes a Quick Response (QR) code, with the purchaser. This QR code facilitates expedient verification of the invoice details.
  8. Provision for rejection or cancellation: The MyInvois platform accords the purchaser the right to reject the invoice within a 72-hour time window, while the supplier is afforded the equivalent timeframe to annul the invoice should the need arise.
  9. Secure storage of Invoices: Finally, all validated electronic invoices are stored securely within the IRBM database, providing a reliable repository for future reference and compliance purposes.


The LHDN MyInvois platform is a strategic innovation by the Malaysian Inland Revenue Board, engineered to enhance and simplify the e-Invoicing process for businesses. Its comprehensive approach ensures that from the creation to the secure archival of invoices, compliance, and efficiency are at the forefront.

For businesses looking to optimize their invoicing process within this robust system, ClearTax stands as a vital resource. ClearTax's expert services are designed to facilitate a smooth transition and ongoing management of the MyInvois system, ensuring businesses can easily align with its processes. We invite businesses to explore ClearTax offerings to fully leverage the advantages of the MyInvois platform, paving the way towards streamlined operations and fiscal diligence.

