A tax identification number (TIN) in Saudi Arabia is a must for businesses to begin their operations and pay taxes regularly. This unique code helps the government track whether companies are following the tax regulations properly or not. Therefore, it is mandatory to register for a TIN.
However, if businesses cease their operations, corporations can deregister their tax identification number if their company is no longer eligible to pay taxes, aka Zakat in Saudi Arabia. This guide offers a comprehensive overview of the step-by-step procedure to deregister ZATCA TIN.
Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority (ZATCA) in Saudi Arabia is a government agency responsible for the management and collection of taxes, customs duties, and zakat in the KSA.
Further, the ZATCA TIN is a unique number displayed on the VAT certificate of an entity in Saudi Arabia. This unique number is issued when an entity gets registered with the ZATCA, after registering with the Ministry of Commerce to conduct its business operations.
ZATCA TIN deregistration is required when your entity is no longer required to pay Zakat/tax in KSA. This involves deregistration from ZAKAT as well as other taxes. This further implies that the entity has ceased to carry on economic activity or has ceased to exist.
The TIN deregistration will only take place when
The prerequisites are as follows:
Here is a step-by-step procedure to deregister ZATCA TIN through the ZATCA portal:
The entire entity is to be deregistered. This happens when the entity is suspending all its operations and has no other branches.
This happens when the entity has other branches, and deregistration is going to take place for one branch. The steps are as follows:
Further, you can also deregister your ZATCA TIN through the ZATCA application. Here is a step-by-step procedure for the same:
Review the application once again to ensure you’re not missing out on any major detail or there are no errors in the application. Once viewed, you can apply. You will receive a notification once your TIN is deregistered from the system.
Fact check: There are no fees required to deregister ZATCA TIN.
Deregistering ZATCA TIN is a crucial process if a business entity no longer satisfies the conditions for maintaining a TIN in Saudi Arabia. It is essential for taxpayers to effectively understand the reason for deregistering, collect evidentiary proof of the same, and follow the step-by-step procedure to deregister the TIN.
It helps taxpayers manage their tax obligations effectively and adhere to governmental norms to avoid paying penalties and smoothly get out of the tax system.